Category Archives: Pets

Stay. Really. STAY. STAY!!

Bob and I have an extended family of 3 dogs and 1 cat. I am not counting the 3 cats who are 5/8’s feral and live in the front yard since they think we run a bed and breakfast and … Continue reading

Posted in Dog trainers, Humor, Pets, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

It ain’t kneesy

Bob hurt his knee on New Year’s Eve while hunting.  His right foot got caught on a root and his left leg went sideways.  Possibly a torn meniscus, said the minor emergency doc.  Go see a specialist if you are … Continue reading

Posted in Hernia, Humor, Meniscus, Pets, Relationships, Sober Life, Surgery | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Day 14—Forgiveness

Two of our dogs love to sleep in pet beds; Halo loves to chew up the pet beds when she is either bored or angry.  Murphey is a mixed breed that Bob found tied and apparently abandoned next to the Murphey’s Gas … Continue reading

Posted in God, Gratitude, Humor, Pets, Sober Life, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Day 3-Pets

I can’t imagine life without a pet. I was the little kid who picked up cats that were crazy wild as they tried to escape my chubby arms, sure that I was rescuing them from their hiding place under the … Continue reading

Posted in Corpus Christi, Family, God, Gratitude, Grief, Pets, Sober Life, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Robert’s Rolling Raccoon Rescue

A friend on mine had a raccoon for a pet when she was a kid.  The animal  had been abandoned in plowed field as a baby and my friend’s mom bottle fed it and box trained it like a cat.  It … Continue reading

Posted in Hmmmm, Pets, Texas | 1 Comment

War on Fleas

Bob and I have dogs.  So does my friend Gary.  My neighbor has both cats and dogs.  But whether we have cats or dogs, we are all fighting the War on Fleas.  The assumption of most folks is that fleas are bad … Continue reading

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